Cortiçada Art Fest


Cortiçada Art Fest

Proença-a-Nova, Sertã and Oleiros, Portugal

The Cortiçada Art Fest project was born out of the interest of the counties in the region – Proença-a-Nova, Oleiros and Sertã – in reversing the trend towards desertification of the territory through a cohesive bet on culture.

Our proposal has as its starting point on the the analysis of the intense cultural programming of the region and the potential of the landscape and the local communities.

The answer could not be more equipment nor a pre-defined program, but a bet of gradual change rooted in the geographical characteristics and in the identity of the people of the region.

In order to boost the creation of new audiences, the launch of Roteiro is celebrated with the Festival structured in the landscape with local associations in a program for a young and creative audience, in which the International Competition of Recycled Wood Construction workshops stand out. This contest, aimed at university students and recent graduates, is developed over a year in partnership with Casa da Arquitectura, expanding the impact of the Festival.rador de outros eventos pontuais como festivais, concursos de arte local e internacional e parcerias com instituições de referência das zonas urbanas do litoral.

It is in this sense that we propose a permanent Roadmap for Art in the Landscape that generates other specific events such as festivals, local and international art competitions and partnerships with leading institutions in the urban areas of the coastal regions.

The permanent itinerary of Art in the Landscape is inaugurated with an artwork in each countie, developed by the team in co-creation in a constant dialogue between the three forces of action that characterize MAG’s work: the characteristics of the place, the aspirations of the people who experience it, and the sensory dimension of the materials.

MAG-Marques de Aguiar’s involvement stems, on the one hand, from Sofia Marques de Aguiar‘s experience as a visual artist and as the founder of the Fábrica de Artes Cubano (FAC) in which she develops an intense creative activity with interdisciplinary artistic teams with a strong bet on social and community integration and cohesion.

On the other hand, MAG’s experience – Marta Aguiar and Mariana Costa – in the design and production of artworks created intentionally in order to arouse aesthetic interest and appropriation. These artworks have as premise specific places – built spaces or landscapes – and their transformation by regrowing a sense of belonging.

Equipa da Organização da Cortiçada Art Fest

Marta Marques de Aguiar

Sofia Marques de Aguiar

Mariana Costa

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site gp-dgartes-pb_PRETO

parceiro estratégico do concurso Party Spot em Cunqueiros:

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